
The Nation’s Biggest Lost and Found Survey, by Pixie

The Nation’s Biggest Lost and Found Survey, by Pixie

Losing your keys, misplacing your wallet, looking for the remote… most of us can relate to at least one of these common frustrations.  At some point we have all lost something. At Pixie, we are working hard to put a stop to these common problems! Because we are in the business of finding, we thought we should learn more about what we are all losing! The Pixie team commissioned the nation’s largest independent lost and found survey in April 2017.  What we found might surprise you.









What do we misplace most often?

If you think keys are the most commonly misplaced items, you’re close!  It’s actually the remote! 45%  of Americans report losing the remote at least once a week.  Here’s the list of what other items you misplace at least once a week:  

33% lose their Phone

28% lose their keys

27% lose their glasses

Surprising fact: 29% of people have had their lost wallet or purse returned to them.








Race against the clock

When searching for our missing things,  we all waste valuable time.  If it takes the average person 5 minutes to locate their missing item, that may not see so bad in the grand scheme of things… but that’s a long time to search for something. How does 15 minutes or more sound? House keys, wallets, umbrellas and passports, are just some items, which people reported spending 15 minutes or more looking for. All together, Americans spend about 2.5 days a year searching for their lost things!








Time is money

The cost of losing something isn’t necessarily just the price tag to replace it. Have you ever shown up late or even missed an appointment because you were wasting time looking for a missing item? Join the 49% of people, that this happened to. See the other ways searching for our lost things has wasted our time:

60% have been late to work

35% have argued with family

22% have missed a flight

Surprising Fact: two thirds of people spend up to $50 a year replacing lost items, and as a nation, we spend $2.7 billion replacing items.









Where do we search?

When you can’t find your keys or your wallet, what’s the first place you look? If you’re anything like me, you might do that panicky, awkward search of your pockets, shuffle dance, which of course is followed by the increase blood pressure, high anxiety... cue panic attack.

14% search pockets

21% search their purse or bag

11% search under the bed

Surprising fact: 69% of people find something else while looking for their lost item.









The biggest losers

Many people believe that when you get older, you start losing your things more often. if you agree, you might be surprised to find out that Millennials are in fact twice as likely to lose their things than baby boomers! Where do you stack up?









Now you can find it faster!

The survey results reinforce the fact that misplacing items is a common problem that take up a lot of time and effort! This is why we created Pixie, a simple solution to finding misplaced items quickly and easily. Pixie is the only smart finder that allows you to actually see where your most important things are! Pixie not only relies on sound alerts to find an item, but also shows you where your lost item is located through an advanced augmented reality app interface that guides you to your lost item, step by step. Noisy environment? Item in a different room or on a different floor? No problem, Pixie’s got you covered!

Check out www.getpixie.com to spend less time searching for things and have more fun finding them!

Source: Pixie Misplacement Survey conducted in October 2016 using the world's largest panel provider, Survey Sampling International. The survey analyzed findings of a representative sample of over 1,700 people.

See the full results of the Pixie Lost and Found Survey: